Download this fillable PDF form that you fill out on your computer (don’t print), save and then attach to an email along with a picture of 2 pieces of ID to
See below for additional details/instructions. This one may take up to a month to get emailed back to you, depending on how busy they are, so best to apply as soon as you can.
Please complete the attached digital IRC form. Intervention Record Check Form (CS2687).
You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device. Do not print or photograph the digital form – this allows the IRC process to be completely electronic. Do not change the form to Word document or use the fill and sign. Note: This form can not be completed on a MAC or Chromebook as they are not compatible.
Forward your completed form along with a copy of Two pieces of government issued ID (one with a photo) as a second attachment to:
Examples of accepted forms of ID: driver’s license, AB identification card, Treaty status card, AHC, firearms license, birth certificate, passport. Do not send a copy of your Social Insurance Number.
Before submitting your request, please check that you have:
- Entered your personal information – name, complete address, aliases, children, DOBs, etc.
- Identified the organization & type of position you are applying for – even if “Residing with…”
- Typed your name and date at the bottom of sections 1 & 2 to verify the information provided is correct and to consent to having the check completed (ensure you check the box in front as well).
- Ensured that the completed IRC form is attached as a PDF. No pictures or web links please.
- Attached the copies of your ID
Incomplete requests will be returned for correction and will create delays in processing.
Please note that processing times may take up to 30 business days and will depend on the volume of requests