Every moment worth celebrating is an opportunity to make a difference.

Birthday, anniversary, baby shower, life event - create a page to commemorate your special occasion and let your joy spread far and wide.

Feel free to explore the example below.

Celebration and Special Occasion Page

This is what you would see from your side. Once your celebration  page has been set up, you are able to watch over it yourself and make changes and updates going forward.


Family & Friends Link to Your Celebration Page

You will have a link to share out to your family and friends. You can also have a QR code to place into your bulletin or share with others on a sign.

When others follow the link you share with them, this is what they will see:


Submit your contact information to our form above to get started with your celebration page. We will set it up for you and you will receive an email from us info@kidskottage.org with all the details. You can add your own pictures and update any details as you choose. Feel free to call us at 780-448-1752 to set up over the phone or get more information.
